
Dr. Afua Adjei-Kwayisi currently specializes in applying her expertise in Spinal health care. She trained as a medical doctor in Kumasi, Ghana and subsequently served for 4 years in a local public hospitals in Accra, Ghana as a General Medical practitioner until 2012.

Her interactions with numerous patients with neuromusculoskeletal problems, and the obvious lack of a conservative approach to spine related issues, spurred her on to pursue her degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic in Palmer College of Chiropractic in USA. She graduated with honours.

She returned to Ghana and subsequently introduced a much needed spinal care unit at a public hospital in Accra. She is now on a mission of spearheading projects that would improve spinal health care delivery in Ghana; making it accessible and affordable for all.

She is passionate about health for her community. When Dr. Afua Adjei-Kwayisi is not busy giving her best at Ridge Hospital, she volunteers her time educating her church and community on spine related issues with a call on people to take responsibility of staying healthy.

Dr. Afua Adjei -Kwayisi mission in life is to understand others, while seeking to serve and to lead them to a healthier future. She is a family woman, married to her college sweetheart, Kingsley Kwayisi and blessed with a beautiful daughter, Awuradeama Kwayisi.


Gilda Gilak


Stephen Laski