More than a billion people in the world today experience spine-related disabilities. Mr. Ramkishore is one of those people. Stories like his are the reason we continue to work tirelessly to change lives.

File Photo - a farmer in a rural Indian village tends the soil. ©2016 Urszula Kozak

This 58-year old farmer and father of 7 children, arrived at MGM's World Spine Care Clinic in Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India in July 2018 with severe leg and back pain.

Mr. Ramkishore carries the weight of the world on his shoulders as the main provider for his family. Because of this, Mr. Ramkishore had ignored his worsening back and leg pain for 5 years, until it finally became unbearable and he could no longer work.

Arriving at MGM's World Spine Care clinic, Mr. Ramkishore confessed that he was anxious and terrified. “I can’t afford to get sick”, he explained to Clinical Supervisor Dr. Pradnya Girdhar. “My family relies on me to support our farm.”

Sadly, Mr. Ramkishore’s story is not unique. This is the reality of life in under-served communities where World Spine Care clinics operate: individuals work long, hard days, with extreme physical demands just to survive.

Thanks to the care and support that Mr. Ramkishore received at MGM's World Spine Care clinic, he was quickly able to get back to work at his farm.

Our vision is the same as it was when we first set out over 10 years ago: For everyone to have access to the highest quality spine care possible, regardless of their personal circumstances.

You can help change the lives of more people, just like Mr. Ramkishore.


Ten Years of Back Pain Improved in One Month